In the twilight of this year's summer season (on September 21 and 22), one of the most magical cities in Croatia, Rovinj, once again became a gathering point for the regional HR community.
And the reason? Well, the answer lies in one special birthday party.
More precisely, in the HR days conference!
The largest HR event in this part of Europe, organized by the leading Croatian employment portal MojPosao, celebrated its tenth anniversary, bringing together roughly 600 people from all corners of the world!
Over the past decade or so, the conference has become a 'must-attend' event for numerous passionate HR professionals, distinguished speakers, educators, and experts in search of unforgettable experiences, knowledge exchange, and a great time.
This year’s edition of the conference offered interesting lectures by top-of-the-notch HR experts, interactive and useful workshops, roundtable discussions on current topics, and so much more.
During the event-filled first day of the conference, we learned that without mutual connection, humanity, empathy, and communication, we will not be able to overcome all the current and future challenges that the labor market presents to us. At the same time, we found out that success is „not so much about earning one million dollars, as much as it is about waking up happy and satisfied with ourselves“.
In a bit more informal part of the program, we enjoyed the monodrama 'Left, right, actor!' performed by the legendary Zijah Sokolović, and we spent the evening on the dance floor, at the magnificent HR Nights party.
The final day of the conference was also full of events.
Alongside great workshops and lectures, at the panel entitled 'Great resignation – Are you staying or leaving?', we tackled one of the biggest challenges today - the mass departure of workers from companies, whilst providing insightful answers on how to deal with this trend.
We also found out that Webpower is the proud owner of the best regional HR practice in 2022. thanks to their original project 'Four-day work week'. We are very satisfied with everything done and seen, grateful to our clients who supported us this year as well.
We are looking forward to the future and everything that lies ahead, because the preparations for the next conference have already started 😉
See you next year!