The Virtual Regional job fair

Regional job fair is one of our longest-term projects which allows online meeting of employers and job seekers, and this year it is held for the thirteenth time in a row. We independently develop the platform and lead the entire marketing process. Also, we help clients to define content which they will present on job fair and help them in search for new employees.

Last year, more than 580,000 people visited the fair, and almost 50,000 job applications were collected. As for the content of the fair and stands, we recorded over 4,8 million views.

Advantages of virtual job fairs:

  • Regional job fair allows employees to start direct communication with candidates via chat and video call and we also have a new section "events"
  • Unlike physical fairs, the virtual fair is active 24 hours over 5 days and is available via all (desktop / mobile) devices.
  • With minimal engagement, employers can present benefits that they offer to candidates and stand out among the competition in one or more countries.
  • In just a few clicks employers can have a personalized booth that will bring their company quality Employer Branding at minimal cost - a reach of over 7.200.000 users / potential candidates with a regional marketing campaign
  • In addition of currently published job ads, companies are creating the base of potential candidates for their future needs

The greatest thing is that the platform that we use for Regional job fair is easy to use and everything that employers and job seekers need to join to Regional job fair is internet!

Online Regional job fair is a project organized by MojPosao in cooperation with partners from the region: Poslovi Infostud – Serbia, – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vrabotuvanje – Macedonia and Deloglasnik – Slovenia.