Our products

Products that really
works. See what we can
offer you.

The largest source of candidates in the Czech Republic

You can find managers with diplomas as well as manual workers. Since Jobs.cz was founded in 1996, we have helped more than five million people find jobs. More than half a million unique candidates look for jobs with us every year.

Simply find someone who is not afraid of work

Tens of thousands of people use Prace.cz, the largest blue-collar job portal, every month. Find the right people in a stress-free and comfortable way.

Finally, e-learning that’s engaging!

That’s because your people can choose their own pace and learn whenever and wherever they want. Hundreds of online video courses with outstanding lecturers. Unlimited access. At a fraction of the price of face-to-face training.

Work around the corner – that’s what they want

They don't want to commute; they live nearby and they need a job. Our simple app will help you find employees in a matter of hours.

Complete transparency

Working at your company – do you actually know what it’s like? Reviews from your employees will give you a clear picture and as a bonus, attract others who will fit right in.

Recruitment made simple, fast and professional

From posting a position through interviews to involving managers and GDPR. Master your recruitment campaigns with a single platform and gain extra time for actual work with people.

Precise data for salary decision making

People want fair compensation for their work. Setting it up is a breeze with the Paylab tool. It includes up-to-date information for all regions of Czechia and for more than 650 positions. It will also reveal how much the competition offers for similar work.

Employee surveys that get people talking

When you know the attitudes and mood of your people, you're more likely to keep them satisfied in the company. Our conversational robot, Arnold, will help you map and fine-tune team dynamics. This starts from the very first day at work through operations in the workplace to reasons for departure.

A festival of career opportunities

Career Expo is the largest careers fair in Czechia and a unique way to connect with candidates. With up to 10,000 visitors, companies have the chance to personally introduce their values, culture or just leave a positive impression.

Eat. Sleep. Play. Innovate.

We ask people about what’s bothering them. We come up with solutions, test them, run pilots – and launch the good ones! There are always all kinds of projects floating around in the Alma Career innovations lab. Some reach their full potential; others vanish back into the ether.

Contact us. We will help you find a solution just for you.